Forensic psychiatry is an interface between psychiatry and law; it is a medical subspecialty in which the field of psychiatry is applied to legal issues.
The definition of Forensic Psychiatry adopted by the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law as expressed in their ethical guidelines is as follows:
"Forensic psychiatry is a subspecialty in psychiatry in which scientific and clinical expertise is applied to legal issues in legal contexts embracing civil, criminal, and correctional or legislative matters."
Dr. Obi is available for: Independent Medical Exams, Medical Record Reviews, Depositions, Pre Trial Consultations and Testimony.
Some examples of Forensic Psychiatry case evaluations, reports and/or expert testimony that Dr. Obi has been involved with have included:
- Immigration issues to prevent deportation
- Civil Commitment
- Competency to Assist Counsel
- Competency to Waive Miranda Rights
- Criminal Responsibility
- Jail Diversion Evaluations
- Fitness to Return to Work /School
- Fitness (Competency) to Stand Trial
- Guardianship & Civil Competency Evaluations
- Harassment at the Workplace
- Involuntary Treatment
- Medical Director Reviews
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Psychiatric Injury or Disability
- Psychiatric Liability Claims
- Psychiatric Malpractice
- Psychiatric Standards of Care
- Psychotic Disorders
- Sexual Harassment
- Right to Refuse Treatment
- Testamentary Capacity
- Violence Risk Assessments For Facilities and Schools
- Suicide Risk Assessments For Facilities and Schools
- Wrongful Death
The above are only some examples of how the psychiatric expert witness can be of assistance